he could kick your ass.
s.e. - 5:11 p.m.

we're all going to the side project show tonight, with graham and cassie and brandon. Graham doesn't know that becca is coming with us, because he'd probably flip a tit because I have this growing suspicion that he likes her, starting with the fact that he asked me if she had a boyfriend.
"Yes. He's twenty."
"He could totally kick your ass." (Didn't say that, but he could) So that discouraged him, but I think that somehow he thinks he still has a chance. It's brandon and cassie's first washburn show, but jus and ian and I are all vetrans lol. there is totally going to be some serious fucking moshing going on on my I'm going to have lots of fun. MAYBE Jus won't get elbowed in the face this time.

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